We’re proud to announce the launch of our new online Contact Lens store. Orders placed online are shipped directly to your home, for a small fee, or shipped to Central Optometry at no cost. This service comes with a suite of handy features such as order tracking, email notifications when you are almost out of contacts, ocular exam reminders and the ability to order 24 hrs a day from your PC or mobile device.
Click here to open the Web Store.
*** Save $5 the first time you place your order with us through the online store. ***
Can I order Contact Lenses from the web store if I am not a patient of the clinic?
No, Unfortunately not. We only sell and distribute orders to patients of our clinic. If you want to call and book an appointment for an eye exam we would be happy to examine you. You would then be able to access all the benefits of Central Optometry.
How will I know what contact lenses to order?
The contact lenses that are fitted by your doctor and approved for you to wear will be available in the online store for you. The online store is personalized to each individual patient so you get the best products for your eyes and health.
Can I order my contact lens solutions through the website?
At this time we do not have contact lens solutions available through the online store. However, keep your eye out for that addition in the future.
Is there any benefit to ordering contacts in the clinic vs. through the online store?
Everything that you are offered though buying contacts in the clinic or over the phone will be offered to you through the website. In fact, when ordering online, you will be offered all discounts and rebates available to you when ordering 6 or 12-month supplies at once. We want to ensure you get your best savings possible.
How long will it take to get my contacts? Does it take longer if ordering online?
3-5 business days is the time it takes from the time you place your order to when it is delivered to your home or office. Placing an order online will be expedite your ordering process as the order gets sent to the distributor immediately electronically.
Online ordering is nice, but I don’t want to pay for shipping…
Not a problem, If you select send the order to the Central Optometry there are no shipping charges.
by Dr. Wesdon McCann